The Wohl Legacy is comprised of three independent charities all founded by the late Maurice and Vivienne Wohl.

The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation
Established 1965 Registered Charity No: 244519

The Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation
Established 2017 Registered Charity No: 1177003

The trustees are:

Prof David S Latchman CBE MA PhD DSc FRCPath FRSA FKC
Mrs Ella Latchman
Mr Martin D Paisner CBE MA LLM FKC
Sir Ian Gainsford DDS FDSRCS Hon FRCS Edin FKC
Mr Daniel I Dover BA(Hons) FCA TEP

Chief Executive Officer: Kate Goldberg
Israel Director: Joanne Cohen
Director of Programmes: Pam Goldsmith
Finance Director: Penny Rudge
Executive Assistant & Grant Administrator: Sarah O’Donoghue


The Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Charitable Foundation
Established 1998 and managed overseas

The Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation's Board of Trustees with Kate Goldberg CEO, Howard Stanton z"l, Jewish Care's Chairman Steven Lewis and President Lord Levy - at the opening of Wohl Court, London in 2018

It is said, that the good that people do lives after them. So it will be with Maurice & Vivienne… in the philanthropic ventures which will flow over the years from the Wohl Legacy

Martin Paisner CBE MA LLM